
Core Value Proposition

  1. Prevent data leakage by permissioning user IDs to authorized partners only
  2. Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations thanks to ID5’s privacy-by-design technology
  3. Identify authenticated and unauthenticated users in all digital advertising environments to increase monetization

ID5 ID Overview

The ID5 ID is a shared, neutral identifier that publishers and ad tech platforms can use to recognise users even in environments where 3rd party cookies are not available or blocked. ID5 enables publishers to create and distribute a shared 1st party identifier to the entire ecosystem. Ad tech platforms that connect with ID5 can decrypt the ID5 ID and improve their user recognition capabilities. The ID5 ID is designed to respect users' privacy choices and publishers preferences throughout the advertising value chain.

How does the ID5 ID work?

By using the ID5 ID, ad tech platforms can eliminate the need to sync their platform-specific IDs with their partners - the equivalent of needing a translator to help two people speaking different languages understand each other. When all platforms are using the ID5 ID to transact against, it’s like they’re all speaking the same, common language. After deploying the ID5 ID across your user base, you can make the ID5 ID available to any partners via a single Javascript variable. Your partners pass the ID to their platforms via their existing tags/pixels and can use the ID5 ID to identify the user for data collection/aggregation, bidding, optimization, etc., even when third party cookies are not supported.

Solution Overview

ID5 Integration Overview

Phase 1: Deploy & Share

  • Deploy the ID5 ID across your user base using the Prebid.js User ID module, ID5 JS API or through one of our other integration partners.
  • Tell your platform partners that you have integrated with ID5 and the ID5 ID is now available for all of your users.

Phase 2: Measure

  • Deploy the Prebid Analytics module alongside AB Testing and work with your Account Manager to analyse the value of ID5 on your business.

Phase 3: Read & Use

  • Publishers with many properties can decrypt the ID5 ID to access the persistent identifier and use it as a basis for building and targeting audiences, optimising campaigns as well as measurement and attribution across properties.
  • Encourage your platform partners to decrypt the ID5 ID and use it as a basis for building and targeting audiences, executing programmatic deals, optimising campaigns as well as measurement and attribution.  Refer to our integration guides for SSPs, DSPs and Data Platforms.

Deploying the ID5 ID


Before getting started with deploying the ID5 ID, we need to make sure you have signed a Site Agreement and have been issued an ID5 Partner Number. If you are not already integrated with ID5, reach out to [email protected] or sign the agreement and we’ll get you set up right away.


There are multiple ways to deploy the ID5 ID across your properties as outlined below. Where possible, we recommend passing additional signals such as hashed email addresses and MAIDS in requests to ID5 to enhance the accuracy of reconciling consented users across domains and devices.

Prebid.js User ID Module

If you are using Prebid.js, you can deploy the ID5 ID by including both the userId and id5IdSystem modules, in addition to the other modules you normally include in your prebid configuration. Full instructions can be found in our Prebid documentation.


If you are not using Prebid.js, you can install the ID5 JS API directly on your page after your CMP (if applicable), but as high in the <head> as possible. Full instructions can be found on our GitHub page.

In-app Deployment

ID5 can be deployed in the mobile in app environment. For a complete guide to the specifics of integrating in-app, please see our Mobile In-App Integration page.

Inform your partners

Once the ID5 ID has been deployed across your sites, we recommend you reach out to your ad tech partners to let them know that you have integrated with ID5 and have the ID5 ID deployed. Please contact your ID5 Account Manager if you would like assistance with content for this communication.

For an optimal integration, your:

  • SSP partners should be retrieving the ID using the Prebid.js Bid Adapter and/or the ID5 JS API and sending them to DSPs via OpenRTB bid requests.
  • Data Platform partners should be using the ID as a basis for building audience segments and syncing with your SSP and DSP partners.
  • DSP partners should be decrypting the ID5 IDs they are receiving in OpenRTB bid requests and using it in their bidding logic as well as to communicate identity with their other platform partners including data management platforms.

Measure the Value of the ID

To help publishers better understand the value of working with ID5, we have launched an Analytics Module for Prebid. With just a few additional lines of configuration, publishers can use ID5's analytics platform to dig into the data without having to build their own reporting tools.

Read and Use the ID5 ID

Publishers with multiple domains might want to consider using the ID5 ID to build segments and target campaigns across their properties. To achieve this, the ID5 ID must be decrypted to access the persistent identifier. ID5 encrypts the ID5 ID in order to enforce the privacy preferences of the consumer and the publisher. To learn how to decrypt the ID5 ID, please visit Decrypting the ID5 ID (login required). The decrypted ID5 ID can then be leveraged by your technology providers such as your ad server and data platform to achieve cross domain segment building, campaign optimisation, measurement and attribution. Please contact your Account Manager to guide you through this process.

Privacy & Regulations


ID5 has built a privacy-by-design shared ID service for publishers and ad tech vendors. Our service leverages the IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) and US Privacy Framework to capture the user’s privacy preferences.

As a shared ID provider, ID5 acts as a Controller of the ID5 ID, and thus, we must receive a valid legal basis to process requests. When we receive a request for the ID5 ID, we check that we have a legal basis to store our user ID in a cookie before proceeding; if we don’t have one, we do not read our cookie or write to it as part of the HTTP response.

When ID5 returns an ID to the page, the value is encrypted in such a way that only platforms that have authorization to process data (based on the consumer’s and publisher’s privacy preferences) are able to decrypt the string back to a stable ID. By doing so, ID5 enforces privacy preferences and regulations, ensuring that no downstream party can understand the ID without the proper legal basis to do so. When the ID is non-decryptable, the request is truly anonymized, preventing any personal data from being retrieved or processed.

Privacy Policy

For our Platform Privacy Policy, please visit