Event Tracking with the ID5 ID

ID5 is still expanding its support for event tracking and matching and welcomes feedback.


ID5 can facilitate event tracking and matching for measurement and attribution use cases. For example ID5 can be used to record and match campaign impression events, click events and conversion events. The ID5 JS API should be implemented within all digital properties where there is desire to track events and connect events. Unique event IDs that the client would like to track can be dynamically populated in requests to ID5 using the collectEvent method. The 'collectEvent' can take any metadata in form of a json object. It must not contain nested properties but be just a key-value map like { "id":"123", "test":"off"} but not for example {"id":{"nested":"3"}. More detailed instructions can be found here.

ID5 can then send a flat file including with all events matched at the ID5 ID level, individual level (future) or household level (future).

Example Use Case

An advertiser or advertising ad server wants to use ID5 to match impression and conversion events.

  • The ID5 JS API must be implemented:
    • On advertiser's digital properties - This can be restricted to pages the user lands on after a conversion event or across the entire site. To maximise match rates, we recommend that partner data is passed when available.

    • In campaign creatives - A call should be made to the ID5 JS API upon an impression or click event inclusive of the unique event ID. If the standard ID5 JS API is too heavy for deployment within the creative, a lighter version of the ID5 JS API can be used <script src="https://cdn.id5-sync.com/api/1.0/id5-api-lite.js"></script>. Additionally, the apply creative restrictions configuration can be configured as acr=true to further reduce the footprint and minimise external interactions like with local storage and the ID5 pixel.

Both implemention of the ID5 JS API should dynamically populate the collectEvent parameter with unique event IDs and any other relevant meta data that the client would like to track. This might include impression ID, conversion event ID, line item ID, campaign ID, advertiser ID, etc.

  • On a frequency agreed, ID5 can send a flat file including
    timestamp, e(ID5), ID5, {Event json}

The ID5 JS API Lite has limited functionality. It functions most optimally when the full ID5 JS API is present on the page the creative is served on. It is permitted for use only when absolutely required in the case of deployment within a creative.